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Couleurs, matières, ambiance

Couleurs, matières, ambiance

Kasbat Souss est un authentique village d'artisans, nimbé d'une vraie atmosphère

Porte d'entrée, au sud

Porte d'entrée, au sud

Le complexe des artisans de Kasbat Souss se trouve à Bensergao sur l'une des deux routes qui mènent de l'aéroport au centre d'Agadir

Extraordinaire choix de tissus

Extraordinaire choix de tissus

Ils sont presque tous créés sous vos yeux

Habits traditionnels berbères

Habits traditionnels berbères

Cette boutique propose des vêtements que l'on ne trouve pas partout

La porte d'entrée  de Kasbat Souss

La porte d'entrée de Kasbat Souss

Travail du bois typiquement berbère.

Récupération intelligente

Récupération intelligente

Des pneus qui deviennet des tapis auxx motifs berbères ou des miroirs.

Une très jolie boutique

Une très jolie boutique

Layl bougies, le spécialiste des lampes en cire

Epices et plantes médicinales

Epices et plantes médicinales

Un choix extraordinaire.

Bijoux en argent

Bijoux en argent

Spécialité de la ville de Tiznit

Kasbat Souss: number one artisan village 


Made of odds and ends, unlike the sophisticated Medina of Coco Polizzi, the village of craftsmen Kasbat Souss (which we also see written Kasbah Souss) does not look so much from the outside. Inside, it's something else: a very lively artisanal souk, which is even the number one from Agadir to Taroudant

The number of shops that are gathered there is around fifty, and they are all interesting for anyone who wants to bring back a quality souvenir from their stay in Morocco. 


We reach Kasbat Souss in 35 to 40 minutes from the Garden of Stars, by Aït Melloul and Inezgane. The village is located in Bensergao, on the left, shortly before the Royal Palace and the Marjane department store.


Kasbat Souss brings together craftsmen who, for the most part, came from the Medina of Coco Polizzi, at theas a result of the financial dispute that has long been established with the managers of the latter.

The great diversity of shops and the interest of the products made there make it our number one craft village. The atmosphere is pleasant, relaxed as long as you put your mind to it. These artisans must support their families. They are therefore active vis-à-vis the potential customer, but not pushy.


We necessarily haggle there, without aggressiveness. Make it a fun time! And claim the Jardin aux Etoiles, you will benefit from better prices! 


From weavers to potters


Some artisans work in front of visitors: weavers busy at their loom, potters, cobblers, tinsmiths, stone and wood carvers, cedar wood marquetry specialists. This last specialty, born in Essaouira, spread to Agadir with a certain happiness.


A pottery workshop named Agadir Pottery is installed at the back of Kasbat Souss, ocean side. You can order all kinds of custom-made items there. The terracotta letters that designate the main rooms of the Jardin aux Etoiles, such as theAtlas Lounge, come from here.


There is also an art gallery, whose good quality of works has nothing to do with the crusts sold to tourists near the big hotels. Figurative or non-figurative, the paintings on display are worth stopping to contemplate and perhaps... take away. Let us quote among the painters exposed the Berber artistMubarak Amman.


Among the countless pieces of furniture and objects that arouse wonder in Kasbat Souss: the Khemisset kilim rugs that were used to furnish the Agadir room or even the table in the fireplace corner of the Atlas Lounge.


A l'intérieur de Kasbat Souss

A l'intérieur de Kasbat Souss

Cette enseigne vous signale que vous êtes bien chez Upcyclemo.



Les sièges prennent des couleurs inattendues, au gré des désirs.

Table et chaises

Table et chaises

Créées avec beaucoup de goût.

Mohamed Khattou

Mohamed Khattou

Il a conçu ces meubles et les vend à Kasbat Souss.



L'imagination au pouvoir chez Upcyclemo.



Jolie composition pour un angle.



Design et pratique.

A shop has recently opened in the northern part of Kasbat Souss. Named Upcyclemo, it is hosted by Mohamed Khattou (see the video below and the message published on our blog).


It presents objects made with tires: armchairs, lounge chairs, mirrors, poufs, baskets,  handbags. armchairs, each more inventive than the next, tables, lounge chairs, as well as accessories.


Upcyclemo personalizes its creations, to the tastes of its customers, mainly European, but not only. An excellent ecological initiative!


Free admission


Unlike the Medina of Coco Polizzi, the entrance is free. The car park has an uneven surface both in front of the main road and behind the village of artisans, on the ocean side. But it's so authentic!


Open every day, including Sunday. Kasbat Souss is the starting point for camel rides, a fun addition to the visit to this craftsmen's village.


A point of grammar


Why is this artisanal village called Kasbat Souss, with the final letter t which seems incongruous to European ears? Because, in Arabic, if we write Kasbah when no noun follows this noun, we must on the other hand replace the h by the t in the case where a noun accompanies the first.


It is therefore grammatically wrong to speak of Kasbah Souss. CQFD!

A question ? Don't hesitate to call Latifa, 00212 6 753 84 662. Fine fly, she will answer almost everything.




AT 45 minutes 
from the Garden of Stars.
Google Maps indicates Agadir Poterie, which is one of the craftsmen of Kasbat Souss. The car park shown on this map is at the back of the craftsmen's village.
Anchor 6
Anchor 5
Nos conseils
     Good deal

A very friendly restaurant inside Kasbat Souss

Kasbat Souss includes a shaded restaurant, open to both artisans and visitors. It serves excellent dishes, based on poultry or fish, as well as the dish of the day, which can consist of sardines, for example. You can eat there almost any time.


The place is simple, charming, pleasant and shady. The prices turn out to be very reasonable. Fresh squeezed orange juice, without any addition of water. Italian coffee.

The boss, Abdellah, is eloquent, speaks four languages fluently and gives you a string of jokes.

For a somewhat special meal, for example based on fish, it is recommended to book on the number +212  6,597,690  75 or by email at

Highly recommended, unlike the interior restaurant with the catastrophic reception of the Medina of Coco Polizzi!

Repas servi !

Par le patron, Abdellah.

Apéritif  maison

Des cornichons mixtes (mixed pickles) bien diversifiés et assaisonnés

Poulet grillé

En morceaux et en brochettes.

Ces lieux vous attendent

Petits prix, bons plats au restaurant de Kasbat Souss.

Piliers sculptés et colorés

Une technique de construction berbère typique.

Restaurant de Kasbah Souss

Simple, charmant, agréable et ombragé.

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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