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Des dizaines de restaurants

Des dizaines de restaurants

Chacun d'eux attend les clients !

Poissons et fruits de mer

Poissons et fruits de mer

Très, très frais au port d'Agadir !

Grillades sur la cendre

Grillades sur la cendre

Les poissons et fruits de mer sont en général trop cuits au Maroc. Demandez une cuisson comme vous l'aimez.

Restaurants appréciés des Marocains

Restaurants appréciés des Marocains

On y vient entre amis ou en famille

Les restaurants ont leur numéro

Les restaurants ont leur numéro

Le numéro 27 est particulièrement recommandé

Port restaurants: popular and fun

​Here are some fun restaurants to visit during a stay in the Souss. The port of Agadir has generated the construction of dozens of small signs built of odds and ends where a popular atmosphere reigns. The grilled fish and seafood are excellent!

Access to the restaurants of the port of Agadirin three quarters of an hour. In the evening, it is prudent to park inside the parking lot (paying) of the Marina, rather than in the more or less well-equipped parking space at the entrance to the port. The places are not immaculately clean. But you are on vacation, close your eyes!


Restaurant No. 27


You will be welcomed by customer hunters who will tell you about the little restaurant they work for. We had previously been recommended the restaurant number 27 (see photo of the slideshow above). This small corner, made up of five or six tables, turned out to be very nice. 


You can choose the fish products you want to taste: John Dory, sea bass, sea bream, sardines, swordfish, rays, langoustines, squid. These are roasted over incandescent ashes. It is possible to order sea products prepared without breading, by clearly explaining what you want.


In the good frank


The delicious meal that you will enjoy in a casual atmosphere is worthy of the old halls of Paris. It obviously won't ruin you. Drink included, count around a hundred dirhams per person (at most!), or around ten euros.


No alcohol, the restaurants of the port of Agadir being very frequented by the natives. 

I like

One in three hearts for restaurants in the port of Agadir

The port of Agadir isthe first in the world for sardines. You can also buy daily fish products, at unbeatable prices. 
Anchor 5

A little over three quarters of an hourfrom the Garden to the Stars. Prefer the express road to
the National road! 

Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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