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Une  planche et une pagaie

Une planche et une pagaie

... et ça suffit !



Un adepte du paddle expérimenté peut atterindre de jolies vitesses.



Le plaisir de faire du sport ensemble.



Les leçons sont données par des moniteurs diplômés.

Chute !

Chute !

Cela arrive, forcément.

A Imsouane, au nord d'Agadir

A Imsouane, au nord d'Agadir

Avec l'opérateur Blue Morocco.

Practice paddle from Agadir to Imsouane

It's the hot new sport.The paddle or stand up paddle is practiced on the Atlantic coast, in Agadir and as far as Imsouane, north of the capital of Souss. Take your board, paddle and discover water sports from a different angle!


The principle of this new sport is simple, at least in theory: you just have to stand on the board and move forward with the help of a paddle. It is a pleasant experience, even when there is no wind or waves.


Polynesian origins


The origins of stand up paddle are actually ancient. Polynesian fishermen used to stand on a board and paddle. Hawaiian surfers then developed this technique to reach the reefs more quickly.


Watersports enthusiasts love paddleboarding because it's easy to learn, everyone can have fun, and it's a wonderful way to exercise on the water. Paddleboarding strengthens shoulders, arms, back and abs, and develops a sense of balance.


It is quite easy, and above all fun, to find your balance! This variant of the long board offers such stability that makes this activity accessible to everyone and in a very short time.




Our selection 


You can practice the paddle from Agadir,  on some 80 km of coast, up toImsouane. Many operators offer services around the paddle. Our selection: 


Further information on the riad  : Whatsapp +41 79 240 26 32

In Morocco :

Whatsapp +212 779 821 776

Whatsapp +212 661 707 921


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