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Writer's pictureJean-Luc Vautravers

Green spaces in sight in Tikiouine, a suburb of Agadir in full revival

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

The city of Agadir is not just embellishing centre of the conurbation, where tourists are most numerous. It is also operating its spectacular transformation in outlying districts. For example in Tikiouine, a southeastern district of the metropolis. While, until now, the population had to be satisfied with very mediocre relaxation areas for playing football or spending the evening, neat green spaces will soon appear (our images), parallel to the arrival of the Trambus next year, including the terminus is planned in the locality.

At Tikiouine, the Trambus will cross the main road through a roundabout which has just been set up (and rather three times than once...). The construction works of the track reserved for Amalway are very advanced (our photo). They need significant changes in circulation, not without creating inevitable groans. As if you couldn't make an omelet without breaking eggs!

On either side of the main road, the planned green surfaces (above a video from Agadir Première magazine) will radically transform the landscape. Mothers of families will thus be able to sit on benches, in the shade of trees, whereas until now they were forced to sit on the ground...

Tikiouine is all the more ready to move on to another stage in its history as, at the same time, we are witnessing the start of preparations for the development of the Parc métropolitain of 27 hectares. Located west of this district, so close to Dcheira and Inezgane, it will mainly be devoted to sports activities. The budget reaches 80 million dirhams (8 million euros), which gives an idea of the ambition pursued.

Tikiouine will also see the appearance of a covered room (our photo), intended for sports activities. This new feature is part of the famous Urban development program. This provides - among other things! -, the provision of four indoor swimming pools, one at Bensergao, the second a Wifaq, third in the neighborhood Al Houda. The construction of these three works is in progress, while a fourth basin is already visible at Hay Mohammadi, behind the Moov'Up fitness center. Icing on the cake, an Olympic pool is planned next to the Grand Adrar Stadium.



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